Bugs and weeds !
" A Nature Observer's Scrapbook "

Initially, I tried to keep my intrusion into the natural world to a minimum and most subjects were photographed as they were found. But latterly, hand tremor has made that less successful and I have resorted to carefully scooping up tolerant subjects and bringing them indoors where I have more camera control - and can occasionally add a scaled background which is vital for identification of a lot of species. All specimens are then released back from whence they came, to their natural environment.
NB. All dates are in the dd.mm.yyyy format.
....... hopefully, that title, "A Nature Observer's Scrapbook", will imply that this site has no pretensions, in any way, to being an authoritive wildlife guide or a reference site.
The images and diary records that follow simply represent the astonishing diversity of species that I have stumbled across in my 'home patch' near Horncastle in East Lincolnshire, UK.
The entries date from 2003 when I bought my first digital camera. Initially I thought I might find half a dozen butterflies, a few moths and one or two beetles but I gradually awoke to the huge variety of natural wonders that exist all around us - if only we care to stop and look. On a few occasions I have gone out with the deliberate intention of looking for something in particular. I rarely find what I am looking for but, I do come across all sorts of surprises and chance encounters.